KEE Fuel news

If you own a car, truck, bus, boat or any piece of earthmoving equipment we can all agree and align on one issue; these fuel prices are really beginning to hurt.

We are seeing unprecedented pump prices for fuel, driven by a falling Australian dollar vs the Greenback and the highest prices we have seen for the sale of crude oil in almost half a decade as the price passes $80 USD for a barrel of crude oil and international politics drive the supply price ever further upwards.

As we are all on this fuel pricing course together and we are all paying for the escalated prices, here at KEE Fuel we will work with you to try and come up with a solution to ease the increasing pain. We don’t have a magic wand to cure the symptoms of the problem but we may be able to help mitigate  some of the associated pain!

As the old saying goes “a dollar saved is a dollar earned”. If the trend keeps heading in the same direction these dollars become more important than ever.

Our people are our greatest asset

KEE Group are growing fast and we are often looking for the right people to help us make it happen. If you would like to join our team and share in the excitement, get in touch today!

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