KEE’S Top Ten at Ten
Here at KEE, we take immense pride in the remarkable individuals who make up our workforce. We believe in nurturing talent from within, fostering growth, and elevating our team members to new heights.
KEE may be a family-owned company, but our family extends beyond blood ties to encompass the extraordinary people who work alongside us. We are proud to announce that we now have ten team members who are part of KEE’s prestigious “Ten Year’s of Service Club.”
This milestone not only underscores their excellence in their roles but also speaks volumes about their genuine enjoyment of being a part of the KEE family.
To gain deeper insights into what makes KEE such a special place to work, we’ve asked some of our ‘ten at ten‘ to share their thoughts. KEE is not just a workplace, but a community where careers flourish and bonds endure.
From Anita King, Surfacing Administration Manager, who joined KEE in 2012:
“I love the people, it’s a happy place to work and I get job satisfaction. We all come to work to get paid, but if you feel like you are contributing to something and you are appreciated for doing that, it makes for a nice day at work.”
From On-Hire Manager Natalie Martin, who joined us in 2013:
“I have stayed with KEE because they are now my family away from my actual family. Coming to work isn’t a chore because you are not treated as just a number. Everyones input is valid and the owners and execs listen. Given what I went through personally two years ago, I am forever in debt to KEE with their genuine care for their employees.”
From Michael Middleton, KEE Paver Operator, who joined in 2012:
“I have stayed at KEE for this long because no one else will employ me, na only joking 🤣 …I have been at KEE this long because it’s a good company to work for and also the boys in the crew are a good bunch of blokes and girl to work with.”
And from our longest serving member James ‘Coadie’ Coad who (it seems) really is married to his job…
“I, Coadie, take you, KEE Surfacing for my lawful employment to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part or I WIN LOTTO (no notice given) I will love and honour you all the days of my life!”