KEE Industry talk

Following the Western Australian mining downturn, the industry has now recovered to re-affirm its place as a major driver of the Australian economy. Construction planned to commence/d in Western Australian mining industry 2019 BHP South Flank…

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KEE Transport news

The past three months have been exciting to say the least, securing new clients under extreme circumstances and in turn allowing KEE Transport to show what is possible with a service driven team. We were approached…

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KEE Surfacing news

Historically, the surfacing business slows down as we come into the winter months. Our employees dread winter due to restricted hours and lack of overtime. We battle against mother nature and pray to the weather gods…

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KEE Hire news

KEE Hire is continuing to support a significant number of projects by providing state of the art equipment to major metropolitan and regional mine/rail site projects throughout the state. Our plan for supporting growth is to…

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Optimism is on the rise

The winter is giving our farmers and dams our much needed rains, which every year inevitably slows the industry down. Fortunately for us though, the sun seems to be shining on our Great State’s future! The…

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Our people are our greatest asset

KEE Group are growing fast and we are often looking for the right people to help us make it happen. If you would like to join our team and share in the excitement, get in touch today!

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