Marcus Webb

Making Everyone’s Lives Easier

“If everybody was as easy to deal with as Marcus, my life would be a whole lot easier!” says Ertech’s Plant Hire co-ordinator Michael Hill. “Nothing is ever too hard for Marcus. He jumps straight onto things and gets the job done. He has continually gone over and above to provide a great service to Ertech, whenever needed. If we have any issues or parts required, Marcus organises it quickly and efficiently with minimal downtime.”

At KEE, we always strive to Keep Exceeding Expectations, and this is why we are so proud of our Maintenance Co-ordinator Marcus Webb.

Originally from Whangārei in New Zealand, Marcus and his family moved to Perth when he was six. His first impression of Perth was the lack of crocs! As a child he had the impression that Australia would be full of the man-eating critters.

His father, who sadly passed away in 2013, was very inspirational. “He just taught me to get on with it,” said the 44-year-old, “through good times and hard times, just to keep going,” he said, “and Dad told me to always look after those who are around you.”

As a child, Marcus wasn’t fond of school, but he had a good coach who helped him with rugby league and he ended up playing fullback/ centre for nearly ten years.

One thing many may not know about Marcus is that he likes to box. To those of you who know him, he has a mild-mannered temperament but put him in the ring and you’ll see a different side. He once even competed in front of a thousand people at a charity event at the Crown Pyramid in Burswood. “I was put in the heavy-weight category, and I had to eat as much as possible for a month beforehand.” He had to weigh in above 95kg, but when he was training, he kept slipping down to 93kg. “At one stage I was eating two chickens a day just to put enough weight on for the fight!” On the day of the weigh-in, he ate one and a half chickens and drank four litres of water. “Just before I stepped on the scales, I filled my pockets with coins in the hope I would make the required weight,” he confessed, “and it worked!”

Over his career, Marcus has worked for various companies, all within the large plant industry. He has been a purchasing/ store co-ordinator for SVA, Thyssenkrupp and Schenck Process and he started in the KEE Group workshop four years ago. Marcus starts at 6.30am every day, and his tasks include processing off-hire reports and charges, raising workshop jobs, liaising with customers and contractors to arrange on-site repairs, purchasing of parts and supporting KGNC with warranty claims and purchasing. It’s a big job and it needs someone with a calm, stoic personality. If he takes the finger off the pulse, it means the flow in the workshop will stall.

“I believe the best practise is to always keep it real,” he said, “there’s no point in sugar-coating things, it’s best to be honest and direct so the client knows all the information upfront”. His top tip in working for the industry; “Be patient and look after your customers”.

Marcus has one son; Chace, 12, and two daughters; Ella, 9 and Georgia who is 2. His favourite holiday destination is Northern Ireland, where he loves to visit family and friends.

words and pictures by © Katharyn Quinn

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